Final Exam: Study Guide

The final exam will be 3 hours. Open book.


This final includes the topics from jams 1-5 plus

  • Recursion

  • ArrayList and Hashmap

Write Java programs to check your answers. Or you can ask a TA or instructor to give feedback on your responses.

Practice questions

1) Write a recursive function, String rremove(char c, String word) that removes the letter c from the given string word. Test your function in main.

2) Visualize the execution of String rremove(char c, String word) when c is 'a' and word is "cat".            

3) Visualize the execution of String rremove(char c, String word) when c is 'a' and word is "bee".            

4) Write a recursive function, int rmax(int[] L), that computes the max value in a list. Test your function in main.

5) Visualize the execution of int rmax(int[] L) when L is {3, 18, 5}.


6) Implement a program,, that loads snail names and speeds from the user and stores them in a HashMap. Then print all snails that have above average speeds.

7) Implement a program,, that computes counts for each letter in a given phrase.

8) Implement a program,, that stores words from a user using an ArrayList. Stop storing words when the user enters the word "QUIT". Then print the longest word.

9) Draw a stack diagram for the following program.

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;

class Mystery {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    HashMap<String,Integer> names = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
    ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();

    int N = 5;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      values.add(i * 0.25);
      names.put(Integer.toString(i), i);

    // Draw stack and objects here
